Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Learn Something and Teach Something

Life is full of new learning’s and teachings, we learn many things from the experience we get everyday and we even teach many by our action without any intention. Everyone we see in our life will be teaching us something or the other and many of them will be learning something from us.

Learning is an important phase of our life and we do it from our start of life till the last moment of our life. No one is greater than you because you are unique and you know something which others don't know. We cannot measure two people with any test or physical fitness. No one is lesser than you because even we learn something from a small kid. So don't degrade anybody.

We were born as a baby and get mature as we pass every day, that does not mean that we know fully about the period of being a baby. We should never feel degraded or humiliated to learn from small kids as they might even know many things. At the same time we should never insult any elder that they don't know something that we know.

Never hesitate or insult a person when they come to you for a help in learning something, instead just teach them without showing facial expression. We are only going to gain by sharing our knowledge and not going to loose anything. If you give $1 to a person you loose $1 and the other person gains $1 but when you teach a person with something that makes both of them remain with 1 thing learned, so always be a good teacher and someone in the world would be a good teacher to you.

As Issac Newton quoted,
“What we know is a drop, what we don't know is an ocean.”

So never have a conceit that you know everything than others as there are more people out who knows something more than you. Never feel inferior that you don't know something comparing yourself to a person as you will certainly know something than the other person in some other field.

Never judge a person by his looks as Jack fruit is rough outside but it is sweet inside. Never underestimate a person by testing in one field as that does not totally reveal about the person. We can personify this to conducting a flying test between a fish and an eagle.

Life is full of learning and teaching and make yourself happy by providing your teaching to others and learning from them.

Monday, August 19, 2013

The Child Within Us !!

We the humans were a child long ago, we enjoyed our life so much as a child but now we are forcing our-self to be a matured person to abide by the world and in the end we feel that we have lost our world so much. We all hinder our childish feelings inside just to put up with this draconian world.

As a child we enjoyed the world so much, we enjoyed and observed the nature a lot but now we say that we don't have time to enjoy our nature, is it the truth ? I am sure the answers from our inner heart will be telling "NO" by now. We enjoyed everything around us so much that  we noticed how the ants move in group, we enjoyed the birds fly around us and we even noticed small and little things around us.

We as grown ups always see the problems around us and forget the world around us. When we were a child we had problems to be solved but we would never dwell on the  problems but all we did is just allowed the problems to get solved on its own but now as a matured adult we expect a life without problems that we create.

Yes we are matured now so we have stopped experimenting with things rather than started to protect those things that are ephemeral, we all have lost the tiny scientist within us and created decorum within us to protect the material world.

As a child we created many things, made our-self dirty with everything we got and we learned many things which paved way for our adult nature. But as time flew, we don't want our-self to take risk or make our-self dirty so we have totally lost the nature of learning things in a fast pace and we are still just using the things that we learn as a child.

Its not outside or its not someone else who should make us live the way we want and its all within us. Its we who have to enjoy the nature and its we who have to learn new things and its we who have to change by our-self.

Stop the fear about falling and failing as its not even new to us. We as a child fell many times which in turn made us walk and enjoy the success in each step. Stop fearing of loosing things and only if we loose something, we will gain something and remember nothing is new to us, we have experienced everything as a child so never fear failures and just live the moment, Failures will fear you.

As Pablo Picasso quoted,
"Every child is an artist, The problem is that how to remain an artist once we grow up"

Let's stop looking for a change and happiness from the world outside and start to pull out the child within us and enjoy the world by making our-self an iconoclastic child.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Even This Moment Will Pass

Happiness and sadness are two different feelings in life, if we don't feel the hot sun then we will not be able to recognize the value of the shade. Life puts you in many hurdles and shows you the sadness just to show how sweet the happiness are when you arrive at them.

Many times I had some feelings that happiness are short lived but the sadness stay long in my life but the truth is that both are of same length and we just need to accept both equally to stay at peace.

There are expiry dates for everything, even we humans who rule this world have got expiry such a way even happiness expires and the very sweet truth of life is that even sadness expires just like the way happiness does.

Don’t start scolding the whole life that we are only getting the sadness and when you really get some sad feelings then stop think of the happiness that passed your life just now and tell your heart that how the happiness went and in the same way sadness will also go.

The only mantra that you should follow is that you not should jump and hurt others when you are really happy and in the same way you should not get frustrated and insult others in the sad times, just stay calm and peaceful and enjoy the ups and downs of your life, finally you will end up with many new lessons and experience for your life.

As Dr.Suess quoted “Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.” 

When the sadness puts you to dark don't worry, the night is just for 12 hours and you will get the light for help, When the happiness put you in light don't show your pompous feeling out as the day is also only for 12 hours. 

Just be calm and happy and keep smiling always as even this moment will pass. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Postivity Gives Great Happiness

Everyone has got "one" life where we build our future by each and every small step we take and the life we are living now is built from the steps we took earlier.
happiness, sadness are within us and we bring it out by how we keep the environment around us, the world around us is the reflection of how we behave and reciprocate to others, As we sow so we reap and nothing is a wrong time to do a right thing and we can change ourself at anytime for happiness in life

The best secret for happiness in life is positivity and we attain greater happiness by deleting negativity from life.

"The pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" - Winston Churchill

There are 8 simple steps to be positive and attain great happiness

1.Think on the present and not on the future

People think on the future before even starting to work and they forget that future is built by what you do today, so the simple way to make the life happy is to focus on the present and the future will be positive.

2.There is a lesson in every problem

Every product we purchase will come with a price tag and every problem we face in life comes with a lesson and we need inculcate those lesson we learn from the problems and apply in the future so that we can specialize in whatever we do.

When a mistake is again repeated then it is known as blunder

3.Believe what is right to you not to everyone

You know about yourself better than anyone in this world, so listen to your inner mind and act accordingly but don't pursue everything that comes to your mind as that will lead to disappointments, so think wise before you do and believe your inner mind and if it is right to your mind don't stop for anyone or anything

4.Make a life with thankfulness and appreciation

Show thankfulness for everything that comes to you or for any person who does good to you and appreciate small things in others and that will make people around you happier and will eventually create an happy environment around you.
life is so busy and we cannot repay for every help other make to us, so start being thankful for everyone around you and that makes life happy forever.

5.Try out new ways

Don't follow the same old method everyday and everything and you will get the same result daily, try out new things wisely for each and every situation and that will either give you favorable or unfavorable result. here is the moment for the positivity, if the result is favorable try to give more improvements in the technique and if it is unfavorable then that is the best experience than success.

failures are the stepping stones to success

6.Forget and forgo Negativity

Always listen, speak and see what is good and positive to you and avoid all the negativity in life and that makes the life beautiful, listening to a good music, reading good and positive things and speaking good things will make a good and happy person in the future

The main key to happiness is deleting Negativity from life

7.Love what you do

If you don't love what you do, then you won't get what you expect so let it be a big thing or a small thing enjoy each and everything you do, let it be reading a small piece of paper or writing a big novel do what you love and that will create a positive environment around you and make your life happy and beautiful.

8.Learn from everyone and from everything

Humans can learn everything and from everyone in this world, so kill your ego learn from small baby and even from a old men, everyone teach us something important in life. a small baby teach us how to wake up immediately from a down fall and a old men teach us how to make a careful step in life.
we can even learn from the birds,animals and flowers. World is full of lesson, just start learning from each and everything you see and listen. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Are we hacked ?

Today the world is so fast and gave us many things that made our life easier, but are we using it effectively?

The world is so short that I can make calls to any part of this world at any time but I guess we are trapped by the tool "internet"

I am so lucky to be born by 90's as I am able to see the major difference that occurred, many ups and downs, many technological improvements and so on.

I just wanted to take this topic because I want to come out of this society a minute and see how well we are trapped, yes the truth is we are totally  locked in the dark room that is coined as technology.

In the early 90's the phone was too big to hold and number are placed in circular manner and the worst part is that it had a long cable attached to the receiver's end that made us to stand and talk in the same place but now I am sure none of this millennium kids would have felt it, but those big phones made us enjoy the pleasant world outside the phone. At present the phones are too small and handy that I can carry anywhere but I can say that I have formed a good bonding with those electronic gadgets and made me forget the human bonding, I can see in lot of homes now a days there is no beautiful big wall clocks that decorates the house nor those small bird coming out of the clock to indicate us the time, all these places have been taken away by the phone, first thing that I see when I wake up is my phone and the last thing that I see before closing for a sleep is my phone.

Even though I wear a big watch on my hand, the first thing that I see to check the time is my phone. This electronic gadget took the place of a computer, clock, music player and much more.

I recently see many people forgets to enjoy the world outside, wherever you go the electronic gadget has been given the first preference, even in a movie people can’t stay away from the phone. Hotel is the place where people come for a good meal and a happy chat but now we have totally stopped enjoying the pleasure by syncing our self with the phone.

People nowadays even small kids play cricket only in the small gadget they have and check the scores with the friends rather than playing together on the ground, I can still feel the happiness of playing cricket under the 12 o'clock sun just for the pleasure of winning, life was easy before than now.

This topic cannot get to an end without talking about "FACEBOOK", the only book that is more interesting than any other book in this world, This is the website where people spend more of their time than eating, sleeping, working all combined together.
Everybody is so addicted to Facebook that after going to a movie without even enjoying it fully starts giving reviews on it, After reaching some place with their friends the first thing they do is update their profile with a group photo.

People have got stuck in this website so much that they fight for an injustice over Facebook  Sharing a person's picture is the best way to help them from a problem, giving a "Like" is the best way to appreciate them and "comment' can destroy a person's image more than any newspaper can do in this millennium.

Is the world have become a boring place to live? People started living with their virtual image over the internet, 
As Albert Einstein said "I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots."

I am sure if this continues then in few years not so long from now people will conduct and play world cups on internet and the major election that changes the country's fate will be happening over some website and people will even marry from various places with a video camera.

Let us stop this now and start enjoying the nature outside and teach our followers how to live rather than how to create a virtual life.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Enemy Inside Us

FEAR is responsible for stopping us to reach the greatness, When the word fear is heard our mind starts to switch between many things.

Is fear is something that is going to come with us till our last breath ? and if your answer is "YES" then this is the correct moment to stop fearing.

We human beings are having lots of wish that we want to do before we die but we don't even take a small step to accomplish it and its all only due to fear. Even before starting a small thing we stop the idea itself just by thinking "what if we loose in that ?" and in this world nothing comes without failures.Even great scientist and sports personalities have faced failures but we are not ready to face those failures just by fearing how hard it might be ?

Stop Thinking about the failures that might come at the end and start giving your full potential to the dream you want to achieve and finally even if you fail, don't worry that you lost everything but just be happy that you have gained an experience that you cannot get even with loads of money, so this is the moment to say a goodbye for your fear.

Inability is just a word driven from fear, only by crossing the river fear we can achieve everything in the world, we read people's life and follow them if they are successful but when we get hit by a small failure on the way we stop our work saying "I cannot", but we must incur one small thing in our mind that fear should be killed before starting a small thing.

Start the day positively and stay happily and when it comes to failure just get up and smile on its face and start your work back one day the sweet success will be on your shoulders.

As John F.Kennedy said "Let us never negotiate out of fear but let us never fear to negotiate."

Every little thing and small happiness are possible if you kill the enemy inside - FEAR

Thursday, May 23, 2013

A Clean India

It has become a dream to keep the country clean, we have everything in this pleasant country but being a citizen of Incredible India we forget to keep it clean.

I have noticed people throwing rubbish around the dustbin instead throwing it inside which makes a malodorous place where no one can walk freely without closing their nose, Its we who have created those foul smell so change is the only thing that can make our place better and pleasant.

We open chocolates for a sweet beginning but forgetting to give it a clean ending, we just throw it on ground  not by keeping inside the bags because we just want to keep the bags clean but by polluting the whole country. Why can't we stop this by keeping those wrappers inside the bag and throwing properly inside a dust bin.

People follow rules where there are strict punishments and heavy fines, but forget to follow those good habits when coming out of those places, just because it's a free country we don't need to spoil it by our ill mannered habits.

We can make This country more beautiful by just one small step, Just before throwing some paper or rubbish on the ground think whether are we spoiling our country by this ? And if your answer is "yes" stop it and search for a dust bin and if you don't find it near by then keep it inside and throw it when you see it next time.

Remember, kids and youth are seeing you and they are following you so it's the time to stop this practice and start using those "Dust Bin". As Gandhi said "be the change you want to see in the world" and I'm sure someone will follow you.

Making a clean India is not a long way, it's just a step away
We Indians can make anything possible

Jai Hind.  

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