Everyone has got "one" life where we build our future by each and every small step we take and the life we are living now is built from the steps we took earlier.
happiness, sadness are within us and we bring it out by how we keep the environment around us, the world around us is the reflection of how we behave and reciprocate to others, As we sow so we reap and nothing is a wrong time to do a right thing and we can change ourself at anytime for happiness in life
The best secret for happiness in life is positivity and we attain greater happiness by deleting negativity from life.
"The pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" - Winston Churchill
There are 8 simple steps to be positive and attain great happiness
People think on the future before even starting to work and they forget that future is built by what you do today, so the simple way to make the life happy is to focus on the present and the future will be positive.
2.There is a lesson in every problem
Every product we purchase will come with a price tag and every problem we face in life comes with a lesson and we need inculcate those lesson we learn from the problems and apply in the future so that we can specialize in whatever we do.
When a mistake is again repeated then it is known as blunder
3.Believe what is right to you not to everyone
You know about yourself better than anyone in this world, so listen to your inner mind and act accordingly but don't pursue everything that comes to your mind as that will lead to disappointments, so think wise before you do and believe your inner mind and if it is right to your mind don't stop for anyone or anything
4.Make a life with thankfulness and appreciation
Show thankfulness for everything that comes to you or for any person who does good to you and appreciate small things in others and that will make people around you happier and will eventually create an happy environment around you.
life is so busy and we cannot repay for every help other make to us, so start being thankful for everyone around you and that makes life happy forever.
5.Try out new ways
Don't follow the same old method everyday and everything and you will get the same result daily, try out new things wisely for each and every situation and that will either give you favorable or unfavorable result. here is the moment for the positivity, if the result is favorable try to give more improvements in the technique and if it is unfavorable then that is the best experience than success.
failures are the stepping stones to success
6.Forget and forgo Negativity
Always listen, speak and see what is good and positive to you and avoid all the negativity in life and that makes the life beautiful, listening to a good music, reading good and positive things and speaking good things will make a good and happy person in the future
The main key to happiness is deleting Negativity from life
7.Love what you do
If you don't love what you do, then you won't get what you expect so let it be a big thing or a small thing enjoy each and everything you do, let it be reading a small piece of paper or writing a big novel do what you love and that will create a positive environment around you and make your life happy and beautiful.
8.Learn from everyone and from everything
Humans can learn everything and from everyone in this world, so kill your ego learn from small baby and even from a old men, everyone teach us something important in life. a small baby teach us how to wake up immediately from a down fall and a old men teach us how to make a careful step in life.
we can even learn from the birds,animals and flowers. World is full of lesson, just start learning from each and everything you see and listen.
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